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Opsporing Verzocht
Bureau Rijnmond
Explosion - Schammenkamp - Rotterdam
On 29 January, a major explosion and a fire took place on a premises at Schammenkamp. The police are looking for witnesses who have information about the period before the explosion.
The blast killed three people and damaged many homes. The apparent cause of the explosion is a drugs lab. A 34-year-old man is being held in custody on suspicion of involvement in this lab.
The police investigation into the incident is in full swing. The aim is to find out what exactly happened around the premises in question at Schammenkamp. Any information you have is valuable for the investigation. It is important that you share it with us.
Please contact us if you have any information about the drugs lab that was located there.
- Police tip-off line: 0800 - 6070 (free)
- National Intelligence Team (TNI): 088 - 661 77 34 (identity protected)
If you call the National Intelligence Team, your name will not be revealed to the suspect and the investigation team.

Do you have information about what was going on in or around the building in the period before the explosion? Did you see or smell anything suspicious, or see what cars entered the premises? Or are there other things that stand out in hindsight?