Ahmed Oulad Sedik
58 years
The 58-year-old Ahmed has been missing from Amersfoort since Monday 23 December 2024. He was last seen nearby De Ganskuijl in Amersfoort. It is unknown in which direction he has left.
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It is possible that he moves on foot. He was last seen at 15.30 hours. We are concerned about his health.
He has a lightly tinted skin colour, black/grey millimetered hair and a grey mustache. He was wearing a long blue coat, grey pants and dark grey shoes.
Do you know where Ahmed is? Or have you seen him? Let us know by calling 0800-6070.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of this missing person, please contact the police at 0800-6070. From outside the Netherlands, please dial: +31793459800.
- First name:
- Ahmed
- Name:
- Oulad Sedik
- Current age:
- 58
- Length:
- 165 cm
- Hair colour:
- grey/black
- Sex:
- Man