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Malgorzata Wnuczek

45 years

Current language: English

On July 11 2005, Polish national Malgorzata Wnuczek arrived in England and lived in the Knighton Fields area of Leicester, with her husband and 2-year-old daughter. In June 2006 Malgorzata’s parents, who live in Poland, reported her missing to the Polish police. They last spoke to Malgorzata by telephone on Sunday May 28 2006. Malgorzata is described as 5’7” tall and of thin build. Her English is poor. If you know Malgorzata, her current whereabouts or the circumstances of her disappearance, then please contact Leicestershire Constabulary by email at op.manually@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk. You can also contact police in Poland or in The Netherlands.

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