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Unidentified person

Den Helder, Razende Bol

On 16th July 1995, the mortal remains of a man were found on the “Razende Bol”, a sandbank near Den Helder ( Northern coast of the Netherlands). Some days later, the remains of a sailing yacht were found.

The man wore:

  • a blue sweater, brand ‘Stinson’, characteristics: on the sleeves of the upper arms a white stripe and on the neck label the figure of a swan and the text ‘mode for men’, under which he wore a white, long-sleeved shirt, brand ‘Churchill Made in Great Britain’.
  • Blue jeans size 48, on the label the text ‘100% Bomull, size 48’.
  • White shorts, brand Luigi
  • Blue linen shoes, size 41/42 ( 7½ / 8), brand Gitano. The shoes have a green stripe and white soles. The upper side of the rights shoe shows a T-squared repair. ( see photo)

Possible he has a tattoo on the upper-side of his left hand. The body was found with a watch, brand Seiko type Alarm- chronograph ( see photo). The watch has the number 553978 inscripted on the back. A notable feature is a string attached to the watch to prevent loss. Research showed that the watch was produced for and sold in Sweden. Furthermore a small key, brand ‘Rock’ was found in the right back pocket of the trousers.

The following clothing was found near the wreckage of the sailing yacht.

  • Coloured jacket (see photo)
  • Red pair of trousers, brand Converse (see photo)

This sailing yacht was approximately 7,00 metres ( 23 ft) in lenght and 1,60 metres (5,2 ft) in width. Various items were found near the sailing yacht, among which a white mainsail with the letter and number combination: ‘1 HB’ (see photo). The bonnet of a motor brand YAMAHA, was also found, the yacht might have had an outboard engine of this brand.