Brochures: your rights as a victim (various languages)
Are you the victim of a crime? Or are you a victim’s next of kin? The police are there to listen to your story and, if you want, to take down your statement. The police will also inform you about your rights with the aid of several brochures. 1. Via a z-card with an extensive version of your rights 2. Via a credit card with a concise version of your rights 3. Via a brochure on how to report a crime. These brochures are available in several languages.
- Your rights with the Dutch police (z-card)
- Your rights with the Dutch police (credit card)
- Reporting a crime. What happens next? (brochure)
- Vos droits face à la police néerlandaise (z-card)
- Vos droits face à la police néerlandaise (credit card)
- Porter plainte à la police et après? (brochure)
- Ihre Rechte bei der niederländischen Polizei (z-card)
- Ihre Rechte bei der niederländischen Polizei (credit card)
- Anzeige erstatten. Und dann? (brochure)
- I vostri diritti presso la polizia olandese (z-card)
- I vostri diritti presso la polizia olandese (credit card)
- Sporgere denuncia. E poi? (brochure)
- Twoje prawa na policji holenderskiej (z-card)
- Twoje prawa na policji holenderskiej (credit card)
- Oświadczenie o popełnieniu przestępstwa I co dalej? (brochure)
- Sus derechos ante la policía neerlandesa (z-card)
- Sus derechos ante la policía neerlandesa (credit card)
- Presentar una denuncia. ¿Y después? (brochure)
- Hollanda polis merkezinde sahip olduğunuz haklar (z-card)
- Hollanda polis merkezinde sahip olduğunuz haklar (credit card)
- Şikâyetçi olduktan sonraki süreç (brochure)